Institute of Event Management


Things to Consider For Your Certified Event Management Program

When you’re looking for an institute of event management, there are quite a number of things to consider. While such professional courses have become a great way to make a career in India, institutes and training academies are few and far between. While the big cities may have a number of places providing certificate courses – many of these are not recognized by the industry, the large event management companies, or personalities as “Reliable”.

Event management institutes began to appear across cities like Mumbai, PuneDelhi  since the early 2000s. However, there are only a few such institutes standing today, since the business of event management is as complicated and competitive as it can be.

While the arts and entertainment industry in India is worth billions of rupees and one of the largest in the world; let us not forget that few give the true worth to a proper event management program. Most do not take this kind of career course seriously, but here are 4 things that you need to consider before enrolling in such career courses –

1: Do I need certification?

Like any professional field of work, getting a recognized certificate from a registered (and reputed) institute of event management goes a long way in a career. Not only do event management companies demand such credentials before hiring people, but freelancers also get ahead by the recommendations and projects they undertake as a part of the training.

2: What kind of training do they have?

Any proper event management courses is a mixture between practical training projects and mandatory theory and academics. Look for an institute with a well-rounded syllabus and module system what involves both studies, as well as live projects.

3: Making associations.

A big part of this industry is in fact about networking and knowing people, and you have the great advantage of many resources when training at a formal academy. From training resources like active projects to references and recommendations for the future; there is no better way of making the critically important associations one needs to in this industry.

4: Where to enroll?

Always make sure that you have enrolled with an event management institute that is certified by a government recognized university. There are a few nationally acclaimed vocational training academies with such special courses in Event Management!

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